
Svea太阳能的Christian ehrenstraphle如何确保大规模的现场工作安全


Svea太阳能的使命是通过提供智能能源,引领全球能源转型, 创新, 以及可获得的太阳能解决方案,以实现可持续生活. Their accessible solar solutions make it easy for consumers to leave fossil fuels in the past.

员工越多 Svea太阳能 能不能招人,过渡得越快. But how do you upskill a multinational workforce when 9 out of 10 of your new Installation team hires have no prior experience? 如果这些人更喜欢一份少点桌面、多点屋顶的工作呢?

这些只是一些重要的问题 基督教Ehrenstrahle has tackled head on in his role as Global Learning 和 Development Lead at Svea太阳能. I sat down with Christian to discuss the role of blended learning in compliance training, 学习与职业发展的关系, 以及Svea太阳能是如何发展安全的, 熟练的, 忠诚的员工.


At Svea太阳能, every employee out on the field needs to know that their safety is our top priority. 这包括我们的安装人员、组长和电工. They all deserve the same knowledge, training, 和 support — whatever their location. We’ve achieved this by formalizing our Installation team’s onboarding into a month-long, 标准化培训方案. 一个月可能听起来很多, but our industry is competitive: if we’re not supporting our staff effectively, 我们冒着高流失率的风险.

Today, our onboarding program for our Installation teams runs across 3 markets. Sweden is our biggest market; our Installation Teams eNPS ratings have gone from zero to +24 during 2022.

我们的标准化入职是什么样的? 让我们以安装程序为例. 这些是在客户屋顶上的人. It’s vital that they know how to work safely 和 correctly, right from the start.



无论新安装程序加入哪个团队, 不管他们在哪个国家, 他们每个人都可以获得相同的知识和培训. 每个人的访问都是平等的,质量是一致的.


让大批新员工遵守安全法规可能是一项挑战. 加入不同语言的变量, 不同的安全法例, 平均年龄20-30岁, 喜欢积极工作的人, 那些不在办公室工作的人——有很多需要考虑的.

让我们的培训更有吸引力, 我们采用三步流程:在萨那开设角色特定课程, 在职学习, 并在培训中心动手学习现实生活. 从理论到实践的过渡创造了一个 引人入胜的学习经历 这巩固了我们员工的知识.

让我们以高度为例. When any Installers work on a structure higher than 2 meters, there’s a risk to their safety. 我们让新员工很容易就能安全、合规. 方法如下:



It's crucial that all new hires know how to work 和 act safely right from the first day. 萨那使这一切成为可能. We 强化学习 by using interactive features like polls 和 quizzes to test scenarios such as “What height do you need to use for protection?或“你会使用哪种防摔装置。?” 在这里,每个安装程序的经验是不同的,因为 Sana的大发体育在线首页 使课程适应每个人的知识水平.


We invest the first 2 weeks in all our new Installers to give them on-the-job training to learn daily safety in a controlled way.


在这里,我们强调了现实生活中的法定要求. Installers repeat the steps they’ve learned through their digital 和 interactive learnings in a physical setting. These h和s-on sessions are where we make sure that our Installers can work correctly 和 safely on roofs. They also teach Installers Svea太阳能's way of working, of how we install panels, 和 our st和ards.

在Svea太阳能,我们不断加强安全培训. 实践学习强化了数字化学习. 以及在萨那所有的数字化学习, every learner can access the most up-to-date safety knowledge whenever they need it, 参加进修课程. 这是一个良性循环.


A visit to a Svea太阳能 training center is one of the most memorable parts of our onboarding experience. Today, we have 3 centers – 1 in Sweden, 1 in Spain, 和 a temporary center in Germany. 随着我们的成长,将会建立更多的中心. 想想:巨大的衣架, 真实尺寸的测试屋顶, 高的脚手架, 还有很多设备让我们的安装人员熟悉. It’s an immersive experience that gives our Installers the opportunity to learn how to work safely. 这对我们很重要, as 9 of 10 of new Installers have no earlier experience with installing solar panels. 我们必须彻底.

The first thing we teach Installers is how to conduct a full risk-analysis based on the property, 的位置, 还有天气. 毕竟,安装程序的工作场所是客户的家. 每个房子都是完全不同的,有不同的风险. 比如天气. Many of our installations happen in the Nordics, where wind, snow, 和 rain are common. It’s essential to teach people how to h和le safety equipment in controlled conditions. An Installers’s first experience with a safety harness should always happen in a safe environment — we need to embed the knowledge of what safety looks like, 甚至是它的感觉. “我的背带合适吗??、“这些索具看起来安全吗??”. 我们在培训中心回答这些问题.

接下来,我们教安装人员关于人身安全的知识. 每个人在完全系好绳索和挽具的情况下学习个人跌倒保护, 在保险箱里, 控制设置. Everyone receives full CPR training, learns how to help someone whose ropes leave them hanging. Everyone gets to know 和 practice how to build scaffolding safely, 和 effectively.

Every Installer should learn how to identify when they might not be working safely. 这两者都有助于人们在提出担忧时更有信心. 这也有助于他们理解同事的担忧. By the end of their training center experience, our Installers know how to be proactive 和 reactive. 他们通过相互学习和社交而成为一个团体. 这也增加了员工的体验.


入职培训不仅仅是获取新知识. 这也是关于与你的新朋友建立联系 同事与公司文化. 在Svea太阳能,我们试图通过团体活动将两者结合起来.

参加我们在培训中心的安装测试. 一种做法是在测试屋顶上安装面板. 我们把安装人员分成两组, 让他们在监督下去做, 以确保每个人的安全). 当然, both teams want to win — 和 that healthy competition leads to positive energy, 信任, 和连接. 这些纽带对于提高安全性很重要, too — it’s easier to hold someone accountable to good practice when you 信任 them.

On top of creating connection, we use these group tests to reinforce safety best practice. When the teams complete their task, we ask them – how long should this installation take? 或多或少,每次他们的答案都是错误的. 两队都比预期更快地完成了任务. 为什么? Because, when teams work the Svea太阳能 way, the installation time drops significantly. 我们的方法教导安装者一个安全有效的工作流程. 通过询问我们的安装人员的想法, 并向他们展示他们的工作速度有多快, 每个人都知道安全的方法也是有效的方法. 这是双赢.


Our emphasis on learning 和 knowledge sharing is helping us to retain amazing talent. 我看到人们很快就从安装工,到团队领导,再到集线器管理器. 我们是一家快速发展的公司——如果有人有野心的话, Svea太阳能有很多发展机会, 并承担新的角色.

Learning is the competitive advantage that we have above the smaller companies that don't have the same resources. 所以这真的很重要 吸引新员工“随着我们的成长而成长。.' That way we can really keep the workforce – especially those who love delivering manual work.

提供符合法律要求的入职培训, 在许多国家, 也适合那些不想坐在办公桌前的人? 这是一个巨大的挑战.

But when we center the learning needs of our people, 和 make the user experience intuitive? 这就是我们把学习带入生活的时候, 和 make sure that everyone is working towards achieving our mission – to rid the planet of fossil fuels.


合规不仅仅是风险管理. Sana helps you turn your annual compliance programs into actual behavior change.





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